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Your tax-deductible gift is always welcome and receipts are provided for your tax records.
Make a secure online donation: Follow the link or click the button below:
Make your donation via snail mail. Make your check payable to "NMLA" and mail it to:
c/o Peak Wealth Management
8300 Carmel Ave. NE, Suite 103
Albuquerque, NM 87122.
Members of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans: The New Mexico Lutheran Association is a registered recipient of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Choice Dollars Program. Members of Thrivent may allocate their dollars by calling Thrivent Financial at 1-800-847-4836 and say "choice dollars", or visit and look for New Mexico Lutheran Association when you direct your designated Choice Dollars. This must be done at least annually, there is no way to automatically re-affirm your allocation to Lutherhaven.