Becoming a Lutherhaven member is an important way to contribute and get involved.
Individual membership: $10/year -or- $100/lifetime
Membership is open to Lutherans of all synods and Christians of other denominations as well. Individual memberships expire at the end of each calendar year, with the exception of Lifetime Membership.
Church membership: $0
All New Mexico Lutheran churches are invited to join at no charge. We ask only that a congregation member be designated as the Lutherhaven point of contact (POC).
Lodge and campsite reservations may only be made by members of Lutherhaven. In addition, members receive camp updates, notification of volunteer opportunities, and the ability to vote at the annual meeting where we elect our board.
To join Lutherhaven as a church or an individual:
Peak Wealth Management
8300 Carmel Ave. NE, Suite 103
Albuquerque, NM 87122.
Individual Membership Form Church Membership Form
Your tax-deductible gift is always welcome and receipts are provided for your tax records. Donations payable to "NMLA" can be sent to:
Peak Wealth Management
8300 Carmel Ave. NE, Suite 103
Albuquerque, NM 87122.
The New Mexico Lutheran Association is a registered recipient of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Choice Dollars Program. You can allocate you dollars by calling Thrivent Financial at 1-800-847-4836 and say "choice dollars", or visit and look for New Mexico Lutheran Association when you direct your designated Choice Dollars. This must be done at least annually, there is no way to automatically re-affirm your dollars.